106 Barnard Drive Mt Sheridan • Cairns
Mt Sheridan Plaza | Shop 53
Located next to Kmart

(07) 4036 0693
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy involves soft or deep tissue (your muscle structures) releases as well as joint/ligament treatment
Dry needling/Acupuncture
Rehabilitation from your injury after operation (e.g. knee replacement) is essential part of restoring and strengthening body parts
Sports Physio
Any sports related injuries
Maximize your performance
Return back to sports after an injury or surgery
Chronic Pain
Management of chronic pain such as arthritis, lower back pain, neck tension...etc
Providing guidance to self management
Work related injuries can be stressful and complicated
We will assist you to return back to work, and also communicate with work cover and your doctor
CTP/Third Party
Motor vehicle accident related injuries can significantly reduce quality of life
Pain, Stress and financial involvement is common
We can help you to overcome your suffering
We provide care to eligible DVA clients
We understand about chronic condition/s you are going through
We will help to control your pain and also better manage your condition
Eligible clients with doctor's referral will be given up to 5 sessions of physiotherapy management session (up to five sessions per calendar year
Make sure you consult your GP about this prior to making appointment